Bear with me as I write my thoughts down. It may get a bit muddled, but that reflects how I am feeling at the moment.
Luke is despondent with school. He feels bored, hasn't learned anything this year (his words), but does not want to be home-schooled as he enjoys seeing his friends at school, which is an inprovement, as in the past it has been friends that have been causing the problems! So I approached the school to see what they were going to do about it. It's SATS year and I get the feeling they are going over all the stuff that will be coming up in SATS, but as Luke is working at a level beyond what SATS will test (in some areas) it is getting very boring for him. If we stimulate him at home, that will make school even more pointless for him, but what if he loses the interest in learning? We went through this last time he did SATS in year 2. I just hope the school can rise to the challenge he presents. The ball is in their court now.
Alec, is languishing in school. Spending his time daydreaming, not being engaged with, and consequently he still has not grasped spelling. I spoke to his teacher, as they had identified spelling as a weakness way back at the beginning of year 4. But since then, he has only brought two lots of spellings home, and his teacher had not picked up on it. I feel bad that it has got this far without me taking action.
I realise children learn at different rates, and spelling may come when he is good and ready for it, but for him to be spending his time daydreaming is just not on. When he is engaged with something, his enthusiasm is all consuming, and a joy to watch. He is supposed to be going to middle school in Spetember, and I am dreading it.
I would love to pull them all out of school, and home-educate. But I wonder if I am doing that for me, and whether it is in their best interests. How can I offer the range of activites that between the lot of them they experience in the course of a day. Could I get Luke through his GCSE's? Would I have the patience, especially with Luke as we clash at times? But then I have all these ideas I would love to do with them, but after school they just want to relax and have had enough.
Ethan asks if I can teach him, Sophie will be starting school at 4 years and a few days. I can find plenty of excuses to home-school but don't want to make the wrong decision and jeopardise their future. I wish this parenting lark was a bit easier!