Half term is a time for home for these home birds of mine. It is lovely to see Luke reading, despite his love of writing, he doesn't really do much in the way of reading, but has enjoyed reading the autobiography of Steve Martin.

Of course, there has been lego played with too.

We've had friends over for a meal, who brought these gorgeous flowers with them that they had hand-tied themselves.

I had to include this picture, Sophie knew there was some ice-cream in the freezer, and had the most cheekiest look on her face!

We did venture out on the warm, dry day of Thursday. Picking up a friends little girl, and romping through the woods, as well as feeding animals at a childrens farm.

There have been many moments of just sheer enjoyment. Sitting with Sophie whilst she did doodle after doodle on the mega-sketcher. Drawing a picture of a water slide for fish to go down!
Tidying rooms, Alec was relieved that I helped him with his room, as it had got to the state where you just didn't know where to start. Late nights, watching films together. And to top it off, a sleep-over tonight for Luke and his friends, with the other boys going up the road to a friends for pizza and a film.
I love the natural pace that school holidays bring.
Sounds so blissful..glad you've all had a good week xxx