Monday 27 June 2011

Random Week

 Peas!  Our first harvest, and we just got enough for a meal!  Well, there would have been more, but they are just too good raw!  One for the pan, one for me!  Well, that was Luke's way of podding them!
 A birthday present for a girl in Ethan's class, hair slides and grips.  I hope she likes them.  Ethan is such a popular little lad.  Invited to so many parties, and this last one he was the only boy invited.  He took it all in his stride, and I am proud that he still enjoys playing with girls, when many at his age are only playing with children of their own sex.
 We have a bit of a family obsession/dream of hobbit holes at the moment.  Luke is creating one from scratch.  A papier mache balloon, some balsa wood and filler has so far created this.
 Ethan has been busy designing a hobbit hole too.
 With an inside plan too.
 And just to add to the random nature of this post.  I have some new storage for my unspun wool.  Still have half the alpaca fleece in a bag, but this should keep me busy for a while, and means there's a few less plastic bags dotted about the place!


  1. Ooh, I love your fibre storage. Just looking out for carders and then I can get to work on mine! I love the Hobbit hole model too, how detailed.
    And your hair accessories are lovely.
    Blessings to you all.


  2. ooh a hobbit hole - they look fab. That would be my idea of heaven too.


  3. Love your fibre storage, need to have mine a bit better organised too. Look out to make sure the moths don't get into the wool though, although they prefer raw wool!

    Hobbit hole's are looking good, maybe they'll be designing a bigger one ... one day ;-)

  4. I would love to live in a hobbit house! I love the curved doors and the cosiness! I also love your hairclips, someones going to be a lucky girl! As for pea podding, most of that has taken place in the garden this year!! We have had none for the table so far, though we have had plenty of broad beans, yum! Hope you have a lovely week, Liz x

  5. Lovely to catch up with what you have been up to. We too dream of a house in the woods. :) x


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